
Moving Dwellings

Enjoy seeing the variety of travelling homes/hotels:

Landrover Defender – converted army ambulance for John & Donna’s 2-year epic

The Rolling Hotel – carrying a bunch of older than middle-aged Germans or Dutch. Never seen one of these before. Zoom in on the trailer. 🙂

Packs down to just a roofbox-type thing

Just the scale ……

Medium-sized Collie waiting to ride pillion in its box – seen it all now

Beautiful ‘Airstream’ classic

Posted by Jackie Barnes in Musings

Spanish Semana Santa (Easter)

Whilst I would describe my preferred expression of christian communal worship as informal and contemporary, over the years I have gained an appreciation of the contribution ritual and tradition can make to spiritual life. So on encountering, completely unenvisaged, the Easter Sunday procession in Ubeda, I found that I was able to see past the ‘brotherhood’ outfits, which look too much to me like Klu Klux Klan, and the veneration of Mary, and be thankful for being caught up in the sounds and sights of this example of how Spain marks and engages with this festival. All ages, all seriousness. I was given the unexpected opportunity to stop, reflect, and express silent gratitude for all sorts of things, but it was very Good Friday sombre, whereas for me Easter Sunday is about joy and celebration – more a la Tommy Walker track ‘He Lives’.

Posted by Jackie Barnes in Musings, Spain