This time, I looked at my maps more carefully and selected what looked like the best route, to get round Leon and then onto Potes, using the N625, and then the N621. Following a river – check, main road – check. Not the Pyrenees or Alps – check. Off we go. What a glorious drive and unsuspecting ascent to arrive at
I have to confess to not really looking in detail via Google maps to relief and altitude, so the descent was once again for me gripping the steering wheel, hogging the wrong side of the road, and going very slowly – all of which I was thankfully able to do as the road was good, wide and more importantly empty. The ascent from Potes is the main Picos one in the Vuelta – for those not in the cycling know, the Spanish equivalent of the Tour …….
The view from Bores looking back to the descent
All in all, it was a long, hot drive yet again, and I was very glad to arrive at this campsite I have wanted to stay at for several years now. I got my pitch with lovely views out of the side door, and nice neighbours, but this morning being Sunday when the Spanish weekenders vacate, meant that pitches previously occupied or not discovered by myself yesterday became available. I was very proud to move and snaffle this pitch with mountain views.
View through my side door
Did my 10000 steps walking down to Potes and around today – slightly cooler but still so great to just put on shorts and tee-shirt and set off. This afternoon has been sitting gazing at the view and reading, including a laugh out loud, very funny postscript to this ‘ourtour‘ post for those interested in motorhome toilet cassette emptying –
Temperature getting cooler for next 2 – 3 days. There is the Gorge Walk of Caras, the cable car ride at Fuente De, and walking from here …… .
Picos – in my favourites, and campsite is great also.
Potes On the pilgrimage camino in this area which also links to the C de Santiago Santo Toribio Monastery View from hermitages above Santo Toribio Campsite pool campsite restaurant